Parent Handbook

Our Mission

It is our mission to offer a high quality, educational preschool and childcare center to parents and their children. It is our belief that children learn best through play and experience while in a safe, loving, and supportive environment. Offering this nurturing environment is our primary goal. Children will learn self-help, social, and educational skills while the teachers work to serve each child’s individual needs.


Our Philosophy

ABC Learning Preschool & Child Care understands that the early years are crucial in a child’s development and lay the foundation for his or her journey as a student and productive, well adjusted human being. We believe that through a variety of hands-on experiences, children learn about themselves, their neighbors and the world in which they live.

All children need opportunities to be responsible, to make choices, and to be treated with respect. Our programs encourage your child’s growth and development with early- learning experiences that build a strong foundation for children’s cognitive, social, emotional, and physical skills.

We believe each child has unique talents and interests. Our teachers honor these differences by providing children with customized attention and activities that enable them to learn and grow at their own ways.

We believe that family members are the most important people in children’s lives and our program and staff work together to support those relationships. We strive to work together with families as true partners for the benefit of each child. While we bring knowledge of how children develop and learn, the family brings intimate knowledge of their child. Together we create an environment in which children are the center. We value family connections to their extended community and understand that the strength of these relationships supports children.

ABC Learning Preschool & Child Care is a community devoted to illuminating a child’s sense of importance and value, where uniqueness and self-confidence can flourish. Students at ABC Learning Preschool & Child Care explore the world, have their imaginations ignited and their challenges overcome.


Our Teachers

Teachers at ABC Learning Preschool & Child Care consist of educated, experienced and nurturing professionals. Each member of our staff meets the qualifications set by the state laws of California and completes a full orientation and comprehensive training program.

Our teachers attend conferences, workshops and in-service training to remain informed of current trends and research in the field of early childhood development. It is the staff’s goal to assure your child’s daily life at ABC Learning Preschool & Child Care is one of love, safety, learning and fun.

At ABC Learning Preschool & Child Care we believe in the practice of primary care giving. Each child at ABC Learning Preschool & Child Care is assigned a teacher as the primary caregiver who assumes special responsibility for that child and for the communication with his or her parents.  We are committed to creating a strong home and center connection by developing a process of open, honest communication with you regarding your child’s development and experience at the center.



The program has general monthly themes that are established and coordinated center wide from infants to school age, designed to promote developmental skills, and to enrich all children’s understanding of their world.  The themes have educational, social, cultural, and emotional value. Children participate in a variety of activities including the following:

Learning Centers – These are areas set up by teachers and students and are changed monthly to fit the theme for the month.  Learning centers have activities that are suggested either by written or verbal cues from the teacher or can be developed daily by the children.  Materials and equipment in each area are displayed in a manner that promotes individual and independent play.  Often, problems are presented for children to solve for creative and cooperative problem solving sessions.

Practical Life – All children are encouraged to behave independently according to their individual development level.  The staff encourage children to problem solve creatively, to learn to accept and appreciate diversity, and negotiate for what they want when it is in conflict with another’s desires.  Staff will assist children in areas of practical life and self-help skill development by providing activities that encourage using undeveloped skills.  The goal for children of all ages is to promote positive self-esteem and competence.  Whether buttoning, pouring, folding, preparing food, or cleaning a table, children experience real life situations and activities that encourage them to expand their independence.


Circle Time

Circle time provides the children with the opportunity to interact with each other as a group.  During this time, we will learn calendar skills, weather skills, sing songs, play games, read stories and learn about each other.  During this time, the teacher will prepare children for the day and review the letter, number, theme, and color of the week.


Arts and Crafts

The majority of our projects are focused around the seasons of the year and theme units.   Arts and Crafts projects stimulate a child’s mind to be creative.  These activities also assist in the development of fine and gross motor skills.  Children also achieve a sense of pride and accomplishment through the development of projects.  Our program is filled with hands-on learning activities as well as open-ended art activities.  Open-ended art allows the child to explore the use of various materials and processes and enjoy what happens.  Craft projects are designed to help the children develop their creativity and the use of specific skills.  Uneven or lopsided projects are to be expected from children of this age.  The children are in the process of learning.  It is the “process not the product” that is important.  Please keep this in mind and treat all of your children’s projects as masterpieces!


Letters and Numbers

Children will learn to recognize, identify, and eventually write the numbers and letters.  We will concentrate on one letter and number each week.  During this time, many of our songs, crafts, and games will focus on the letter and number of the week.



Specials will include math, science, and star of the week activities.  Math skills will focus on number recognition, counting, sequencing, patterns, charts, and addition.  Science will consist of simple science experiments usually focused around the theme of the week.  Star of the week activities will include show and tell, ask the star, and learn about the star of the week.



Manipulatives develop organizational skills like sorting, counting, comparing, classifying, matching, and shape recognition.  Children integrate concepts through more physical involvement.  By using more senses, children form more associations and learn.


Sensory Experiences

Children will be provided with a wide variety of hands on, concrete, real world sensory experiences appropriate for the child’s age and stage of development.  They will learn about all of their senses and how to use them.

Computer Skills appropriate for each child’s age and developmental level will be introduced and reinforced.


Kindergarten Readiness

Children will be taught the necessary skills to ensure success in kindergarten.


Behavior Management And Discipline

All teachers at ABC Learning Preschool & Child Care manage behavior in their classrooms in a non-punitive, age appropriate manner. All staff receives ongoing training in the areas of discipline and behavior management. They are trained in the process of positive discipline, which instructs children as to what they should do rather than telling them what not to do. For example “We walk inside the building” rather than “No running”.


Toddlers will begin to learn self-control by observing the natural consequences of their behavior. Teachers will quickly intervene if a problem does occur and redirect the child to a more appropriate activity. Language is utilized to help Toddlers begin to identify their feelings and learn to deal with them in a socially acceptable manner.


Preschoolers will be encouraged to learn problem-solving skills and become self- correcting. They will be given the opportunity to choose alternatives that will enable them to participate in a socially acceptable manner without reinforcing their negative behavior. For example, if a child is having difficulty sitting quietly during a story, he/she will be asked to do a puzzle or draw a picture until they feel they are ready to rejoin the group. Teachers will assist in pointing out logical consequences to both positive and negative behavior.

School age children will be encouraged to learn problem-solving skills and become self- correcting. Staff will assist children in creative problem solving by helping children to choose alternatives that will enable them to participate in a socially acceptable manner without reinforcing their negative behavior. Teachers will assist in pointing out logical consequences to both positive and negative behavior, and give children choices in solving problems.


Staff will use positive enforcement while supervising children, encouraging them to cooperate and continue using appropriate behaviors. Children will be redirected to an alternate activity if their behavior continues to be inappropriate. An example is when a child is doing something that could hurt others, themselves, or destroying property and choosing not to use problem-solving techniques. Teachers will continue to be an active listener and support the child with conflict resolution. Parents will be notified of the behavior management strategies used and receive an incident report. Individual behavior management plans will be implemented. If a child’s behavior is unmanageable within a group setting, parents will be consulted and an individual behavior plan implemented.


No child shall be subject to physical corporal punishment, humiliated, frightened, verbally abused, or denied food, rest or bathroom facilities. Children will never be disciplined for toileting accidents, sleep habits, or food consumption. Any violation of this discipline policy should be reported to the Director immediately. All staff employed by ABC Learning Preschool & Child Care is selected with the greatest of care.



Communication between home and school is extremely important in order to ensure the success of your child. Please feel free to discuss any concerns you have with your child’s teacher or the Center Director. It may not be possible for you to have a long conversation with your child’s teacher at drop-off or pick-up times as the teachers are responsible for supervising all of the children in their care. If you have a special concern, a meeting or phone conference may be arranged. ABC Learning Preschool & Child Care provides many opportunities for parents to receive information on the progress of their child as well as the activities and events at our Center. The following details the types of communication that parents will receive:


Daily Reports

A daily report will be prepared for all infants and toddlers in our care. A daily report will be prepared for children attending preschool if requested by the parent / guardian. This will provide parents with an overview of the child’s performance throughout day. Information on meals, toileting, sleep, and child’s overall mood will be included on this form.


Please tell us if…

Your child had a bad night’s sleep–he/she was ill recently–something upsetting happened–

Something fun or exciting happened–your child has been exposed to a contagious disease-your child verbalizes feelings about the center or staff, or if your child’s behavior or mood is different than usual.


We will tell you . . .

About your child’s play–if your child didn’t eat normally, didn’t sleep well, or was out of sorts-if your child has an unusual bowel movement or any other unusual behavior–if your child got upset about something–anything else we feel you should know about your child’s day.


Parent Conferences:

Parent/Teacher Conferences will be scheduled two times per year, or more often by request. This conference will summarize each child’s progress in our program.  Parents are welcome to schedule a conference at any time.

Information Board: Information about upcoming activities and events will be posted on the information board in the lobby. Classroom schedules and special classroom events will be posted on the information board in each classroom. Please check the boards regularly to keep informed about our upcoming events.


Arrival and Departure

The designated pick up and drop off area for preschoolers is on the side of the facility and is clearly marked.  There is a ten minute time limit on these spaces.  Please use them only for dropping off and picking up your child.  Children must be escorted into the building, signed in, and taken to their classroom. Infants, Toddlers and school aged children may be drop off in the main building entrance and escorted into the building, signed in and taken to their classroom.


Separation can be stressful for both the parent and the child, especially in the early days.  Please help us to make this time less stressful by adhering to the following guidelines:

Please do not attempt to sneak out without saying goodbye to your child.

Give your child a good-bye kiss and explain that it is time for you to leave and you will return later.

As difficult as it may be, make your good-bye short and sweet, even if your child is crying.  The longer the goodbye, the longer the child will cry.


ABC Learning Preschool & Child Care Teachers are trained to handle these difficult, but normal occurrences.  They will comfort your child and involve him/her in an activity.  Ninety percent of the time, your child will have stopped crying before you get out of the parking lot of the facility.

Do not linger around after you have said goodbye, this can confuse your child and prolong the crying.


Daily Schedule of Activities

Below is a general schedule of a typical day. The schedule may vary according to the weather.

7:30-9:00 Arrivals, Free Play

9:00 Snack/music time

9:30 Group/project time

10:45 Large Muscle

11:45 Lunch

12:15 Rest/nap

3:00 Snack

3:30 project, music, outside/inside play,

5:30 departure


Nap Time

Every effort is made to adjust to the individual needs of all children regarding the daily nap. Children are allowed to take a book to their cots at the beginning of nap period. After at least 30 minutes of quiet rest, those children still awake are able to play under the supervision of the teachers. Parents may provide the child with a special book or stuffed animal for naptime.


Outdoor Play Time

At ABC Learning Preschool & Child Care we understand that children learn by playing. We believe that children should have outdoor play to explore as part of their everyday curriculum. On days when the weather does not allow us to play outside we utilize our large muscle equipment in the “Commons” room. If your child is not well enough to participate in outside play he/she is not well enough to be in attendance that day and should be kept home.


Weekly Tuition and Additional Fees

Our hours are 7:00-5:30 Monday-Friday.  Tuition will be paid weekly, bi-weekly,or monthly.

Tuition will be paid weekly, bi-weekly,or monthly. Tuition is due every Monday.

If payments are not received as scheduled, your child may not attend the Center on the next scheduled day. However, upon payment, attendance may be continued immediately. Payments may be placed in the designated area. A receipt of payment will be available to you.  Tuition will be paid in full even if child does not attend.


Late Pick Up

Our policy for late pick-up is as follows

If the child is picked up between:

0-15 minutes late, the late fee is $10

15-30 minutes, the late fee is $20

31-45 minutes, the late fee is $30

46-60 minutes, the late fee is $40

You will be billed for the late fee.

In the event the child is left after-hours, we will attempt to contact the persons listed on the emergency contact form. If we cannot make contact with anyone listed, our procedure will be to turn the child over to Child Protection Unit. There will be a note on the Center’s door advising you where to pick up your child and the phone number.


Holidays and Center Closures

The center will be closed for the following holidays:

Memorial Day (Last Monday in May)

Independence Day July 4 (If it falls on the weekend, the business day closest to the 4th)

Labor Day (1st Monday in September)

Thanksgiving and the day following Thanksgiving

Christmas Eve and Christmas Day (1 week in December starting 2015)

New Years Eve and New Years Day


Non Discrimination Information

ABC Learning Preschool & Child Care is a for-profit organization serving families with preschool and childcare needs. Our services are rendered to all eligible children (as determined by the California State Department of Social Services) regardless of race, color, religion, political party, national origin, sex, age, or disability.  We embrace all students, including those with special needs and challenges, as we feel that all children have their own special needs and challenges.


Field Trips

As part of ABC Learning Preschool & Child Care, field trips will be planned occasionally. Prior to each trip, information will be sent home detailing the date, time, cost, location, chaperones, etc. The permission slip must be signed and returned to the teacher in order for the child to attend. We welcome parents to join us for trips. All children will be placed in safety-approved car seats as required by California State law. Parents may be requested to provide a car seat for the day. If you do not wish for your child to participate in the field trip, notify his/her teacher so that other arrangements can be made for the day.


Nutrition Policy

At ABC Learning Preschool & Child Care we provide a healthy environment for children and staff by setting a high standard for the quality of food served through participation in the Child and Adult Care Food Program, facilitating physical activity daily and integrating nutrition education in our curriculum for the children, families and staff.ABC Learning Preschool & Child Care believes that meals and snacks are critical to a child’s health and development.  They are also an important part of the center’s curriculum.

Daily Snacks and lunch will be provided by ABC Learning Preschool & Child Care.  We will follow USDA guidelines for providing snacks and meals.  


Daily schedule for snacks/meals

7:30 – 8:00 a.m. Breakfast

11:30 a.m. Lunch

3:30 p.m. Afternoon Snack

If a child has a special nutritional need, food allergy, or on a special diet, parents must provide a written doctors note and sign all required forms.  All staff that is in contact with the child will be made aware of the child’s special diet.


Parental Involvement

There will be many times and ways you can get involved in your child’s preschool / daycare experience. You are welcomed and encouraged to participate in any or all of these. Some examples of ways to be involved include:

   Chaperoning on field trips

   Lending objects for units of study

   Coming and talking about your job, when asked

   Helping your child at home with the concepts we are studying here (see monthly newsletter)

   Helping your child prepare for “Show and Tell”

   Helping to provide treats or other items for our parties

   Coming in to read to the class

   Volunteering to help with projects or games

   Please speak to your child’s teacher about becoming involved and he/she will set up a schedule for you.


Emergency Evacuation Procedure

There are written policies for staff to follow in case of emergencies or the need for evacuation.  Fire Drills are practiced on a monthly basis so that your child is familiar with the drill and not alarmed in case of a real emergency.  The Fire Department visits the preschool annually to make sure emergency procedures are being followed.  The agency is equipped with fire extinguishers that are inspected on an annual basis.  If the school needs to close due to an emergency or for any other reason, every effort will be made to contact you immediately.

Emergency plans for fire or earthquake are posted by each exit door in each classroom for your review.

In case of a real emergency the kids will be evacuated 100 feet away from structure towards the parking lot.  All parents will be notified by the staff and asked to pick up their child as soon as possible.



Employees and children are to evacuate the building if a fire is suspected.  As part of training, employees and children will be shown various routes to exit the facility.  Employees will then assemble all children in the front parking lot for roll call.  If the fire or emergency has affected or might imminently affect the front parking area, employees and children should assemble across the street away from the structure.



In the event of a major earthquake, employees and children are to follow these procedures:

If indoors, get under a table, desk, or brace yourself in a strong doorway

Stay alert for objects that may be falling, flying or sliding

Stay away from windows

If outdoors, move to an open area away from buildings, trees, power poles or lines, brick or block walls, or other objects that might fall.

If in a vehicle, stop and stay inside until the shaking stops.  Do not stop near trees, power lines, under bridges or on an overpass.

After an earthquake, do not use candles, matches, lighters, or any open flame until you are certain that there are no gas leaks.

Do not touch downed power lines or objects touched by downed power lines.

Employees will check for injuries and if authorized, administer first aid.

Employees will cleanup potentially harmful materials and keep children away from any debris that can cause injury.

Be prepared for aftershocks.

Use telephone only for emergency purposes.



If any other emergency arises, a qualified staff administers first aid care, calls the parent, and if necessary emergency medical personnel.  Staff will accompany the child to the nearest hospital where emergency treatment is administered.

The staff will remain with the child until parent arrives.  In the event neither parent can be reached, the child’s physician will be contacted.  It is essential for parents to provide information on where you can be reached, physicians name and phone number, signed emergency waivers, and updated emergency contacts and waivers.

An accident report log is kept at the front desk with detailed information on any injury to a child.  An accident report is kept in the log, in the child’s file and a copy given to the parent within 24 hours of any injury.

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Reduction & Prevention

SIDS is the unexpected, sudden death of a child under age 1 in which an autopsy does not show an explainable cause of death.

All Caregivers in this center are oriented and trained in SIDS risk reduction and emergency procedures.  Parents of infants at the center will receive a Back to sleep brochure enrollment, which gives information on SIDS risk reduction and the back sleep position.



Place infants to sleep on their backs, even though they may sleep more soundly on their stomachs. Infants who sleep on their stomachs and sides have a much higher rate of SIDS than infants who sleep on their backs.

Place infants to sleep in a baby bed with a firm mattress. There should be nothing in the bed but the baby – no covers, no pillows, no bumper pads, no positioning devices and no toys. Soft mattresses and heavy covering are associated with the risk for SIDS.

Keep your baby’s crib in the parents’ room until the infant is at least 6 months of age. Studies clearly show that infants are safest when their beds are close to their mothers.

Do not place your baby to sleep in an adult bed. Typical adult beds are not safe for babies. Do not fall asleep with your baby on a couch or in a chair.

Do not over-clothe the infant while she sleeps. Just use enough clothes to keep the baby warm without having to use cover. Keep the room at a temperature that is comfortable for you. Overheating an infant may increase the risk for SIDS.

Avoid exposing the infant to tobacco smoke. Don’t have your infant in the same house or car with someone who is smoking. The greater the exposure to tobacco smoke, the greater the risk of SIDS.

Breast-feed babies whenever possible. Breast milk decreases the occurrence of respiratory and gastrointestinal infections. Studies show that breast-fed babies have a lower SIDS rate than formula-fed babies do.

Avoid exposing the infant to people with respiratory infections. Avoid crowds. Carefully clean anything that comes in contact with the baby. Have people wash their hands before holding or playing with your baby. SIDS often occurs in association with relatively minor respiratory (mild cold) and gastrointestinal infections (vomiting and diarrhea).

Offer your baby a pacifier. Some studies have shown a lower rate of SIDS among babies who use pacifiers.

If your baby has periods of not breathing, going limp or turning blue, tell your pediatrician at once.

If your baby stops breathing or gags excessively after spitting up, discuss this with your pediatrician immediately.

Thoroughly discuss each of the above points with all caregivers. If you take your baby to daycare or leave him with a sitter, provide a copy of this list to them. Make sure they follow all recommendations.


Medication Policy

Parents must bring all medications to the Director.  Never send medication with your child or in your child’s backpack.  This includes both prescription and non-prescription medication.


Administering Medication:

Whenever possible, we ask that all medication be given to children at home; we understand that this is not always possible.

If medicine must be administered during Daycare, the following policy applies:

Prescription and orally administered over-the-counter medication may be administered only upon written permission of the parent and written instructions from a health care provider stating that the provider may administer such medication or prescription and specifying the circumstances, if any, that the medication must not be administered.

Medication must be in the original container labeled with the child’s complete name, the medication name, recommended dosage, time intervals for administration, method of administration, expiration date and, for prescription medication, the prescriber’s name and license number.

Medication must be stored according to the instructions on the label in a place that is inaccessible to children. Medication must be returned to the parent when no longer needed.

If a child develops symptoms which indicate a need for over-the-counter medication, including topical ointments, while in care, such medication may be given under the verbal consent from the parent for that day only.  The provider must document that verbal instructions were and approval were given by the parent.

Staff must document the dosages and time that the medication was given to the child.


ill Child Policy

A Daily Health Check will be conducted by each child’s teacher upon their arrival. The teacher will be checking for symptoms of illness, communicable disease, child abuse and maltreatment. Information will be documented in the Daily Health Check File.  All cuts, bruises, and behavior changes (whether or not suspected abuse) must be documented.  All teachers will receive training relating to recognition of signs and symptoms of illness and child abuse, administration of medication and taking temperatures, and emotional and physical needs of ill children.

Children who are ill cannot be appropriately cared for in a preschool or daycare setting.  Parents need to have alternate care available for when this occurs.  

Examples of health symptoms that require exclusion from the center include (but are not limited to):

Fever; Oral temperature above 101 degrees / rectal temperature above 102 degrees / auxiliary (under arm) temperature above 100 degrees

Persistent diarrhea

Conjunctivitis, which is an eye infection commonly referred to as “pink eye”

Undiagnosed rash, except diaper rash

Vomiting two or more times in previous 24 hour period, or any vomiting accompanied by other signs of illness

Jaundice (yellow) skin or eyes

Difficult or rapid breathing

Symptoms of strep throat or chicken pox:

Head Lice, scabies, or other parasitic infections

Any condition in which the child acts ill and is unable to participate in classroom activities and which compromises the health and safety of others

If your child becomes ill while in care of ABC Learning Preschool & Child Care, we will provide the child that has developed symptoms of illness, a quiet place to rest that is in view of a childcare provider until the child is removed from the facility.  The parent or emergency contact person will be notified of the illness by the child’s teacher and must pick the child up within one hour.

Employee Health Policy

ABC Learning Preschool & Child Care teachers and administrators are subject to generally the same wellness guidelines as are its students. Teachers may not participate in ABC Learning Preschool & Child Care activities if they display any of the following symptoms:

Fever over 101°


Unusual rash

Severe cough

Rapid or labored breathing

Severe cold


Yellowish skin or eyes


Head lice

Contagious illness

ABC Learning Preschool & Child Care maintains a roster of qualified substitute teachers and teacher’s assistants, who are available for temporary classroom duty in case one of our regular employees is out sick.


Babysitting by Staff

ABC Learning Preschool & Child Care prohibits employee’s from providing child care services on off hours to Children who are currently enrolled in ABC Learning Preschool & Child Care program. ABC Learning Preschool & Child Care views this as a conflict of interest. Any infraction of this policy will result in disciplinary action, which may include termination of the employee and the child.  ABC Learning Preschool & Child Care assumes no responsibility nor does the company provide workers’ compensation coverage or any other benefits for injuries occurring or arising from outside employment.


Withdrawal or Dismissal of Child

If you desire to cancel enrollment of your child, you must give two weeks written notice.  If a notice is not given as described, you will be charged for two weeks of fees, based on an average week or at the Director’s discretion.


Our greatest wish is that the preschool experience will be a happy time for your family and your child.  In the unlikely event that it becomes necessary to remove your child from the program, a conference with the teacher, principal and parent/guardian will take place before any final decisions are made.

Reasons for dismissal may include:

Non-payment of tuition (for tuition paying students)

Required paperwork not up to date

If your child is absent from preschool for more than two weeks consecutively and no notice has been given to the school or preschool staff.

Failure to observe ABC Learning Preschool & Child Care policies

If a child’s action or behavior is harmful to other children or staff in the center, termination may result (determined on a case by case) all efforts will be made to keep children in care, but the safety of the group will be the priority.

Clothing Suggestions/Items Needed

Children are encouraged to wear play clothes and sneakers. Daily activities include active and messy play and the children should feel comfortable enough to enjoy themselves without worrying about their clothes. The child’s name should be placed in all outdoor clothing and other belongings to help ensure the return of all proper possessions and clothes.

We want to assure your child is properly cared for while in our center.  Parents are responsible for providing the following items:

Infants: 6 weeks to 14 months

Diapers – weekly

Wipes – weekly

Bottles & tops, nipples

Breast milk or formula (up to 12 months)

2 Complete changes of clothes (seasonal) – Should be available at all times

Blankets – Should be available at all times

1 Sippy cup

Please Note: We require parents to bring all food for the infant or toddler until he or she begins eating regular table food. Bottles must be brought to the center each day already prepared. They should be clearly label with their names and contents. We are not able to keep unused bottles overnight. Breast milk must be in liquid form, not frozen.

Toddlers: 15 months to 24 months

Diapers – weekly

Wipes – weekly

One change of clothes (seasonal) – Should be available at all times

Blankets – Should be available at all times

1 Sippy cups

Twos: 24 months to 36 months

Diapers/Training Underwear (if child isn’t potty trained)

One change of clothes (seasonal) – should be available at all times

Blankets – Should be available at all times

Please Note: When potty training begins, please dress children in clothes that will help increase independence of this new skill. Clothes to avoid: overalls, onesies undershirts, jumpers, & body shirts.


Change of clothes – Should be available at all times

Blanket – Should be available at all times


Change of clothes -Should be available at all times

Blankets – Should be available at all times


Diaper Procedure

Untrained children should have an adequate daily supply of disposable diapers and wipes at the center. We will send you a note when your diaper supply is low. Please send the diapers or wipes immediately. ABC Learning Preschool & Child Care requires the use of disposable diapers. If your child has diaper rash or any other condition that requires the use of a medication, written permission is needed. We follow the guidelines from our Health Consultant while changing diapers. The center will work with the parents on potty training routines that they wish us to follow. Please inform the teacher when your child is in training.


Children with Special Needs

Parents must inform the center of special needs of their child before enrollment so we can determine if the staff and program is suited for the child. The record of each child with special needs will have written documentation from a qualified consultant prior to the child’s enrollment and annually thereafter. The consultation will cover program, equipment, facility, staff ratio or staff training recommendations suited to the needs of the particular child.


Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect

We understand the importance of family unity, however if a time arrives where upon any symptoms of suspected child abuse or neglect by a staff member or parent/guardian are brought to our attention, we are required by law to report it to child protective services.  ABC Learning Preschool & Child Care will abide by this law.


Daycare Subsidy

Parents who qualify for Daycare subsidy must have full approval in place prior to the attendance. Any fees not covered by subsidy are the parent’s responsibility and are payable by-weekly in advance. Proof of qualification must be presented to Director prior to registration. All other policies stated in this contract are applicable and must be abided by.


Parent’s Rights

As a Parent/Authorized Representative, you have the right to:

1. Enter and inspect the child care center without advance notice whenever children are in care.

2. File a complaint against the licensee with the licensing office and review the licensee’s public file kept by the licensing office.

3. Review, at the child care center, report of licensing visits and sustained complaints against the licensee made during the last three years.

4. Complain to the licensing office and inspect the child care center without discrimination or retaliation against you or your child.

5. Request in writing that a parent not be allowed to visit your child or take your child from the child care center, provided you have shown a certified copy of a court order.

6. Receive from the licensee the name, address and telephone number of the local licensing office.

Licening Office Name:  Community Care Licensing Department of Social Services

Licensing Office Address: 6500 Holister Avenue, Suite 200 Goleta, CA 93117

Licensing Office Telephone #: 805-562-0400

7. Be informed by the licensee, upon request, of the name and type of association to the child care center for any adult who has been granted a criminal record exemption, and that the name of the person may also be obtained by conducting the local licensing office.

8. Receive, from the licensee, the Caregiver Background Check Process form.


Personal Rights

Personal Rights, See Section 101223 for waiver conditions applicable to Child Care Centers.

(a) Child Care Centers. Each child receiving services from a Child Care Center shall have rights which include, but are

not limited to, the following:

(1) To be accorded dignity in his/her personal relationships with staff and other persons.

(2) To be accorded safe, healthful and comfortable accommodations, furnishings and equipment to meet his/her


(3) To be free from corporal or unusual punishment, infliction of pain, humiliation, intimidation, ridicule, coercion,

threat, mental abuse, or other actions of a punitive nature, including but not limited to: interference with daily

living functions, including eating, sleeping, or toileting; or withholding of shelter, clothing, medication or aids to

physical functioning.

(4) To be informed, and to have his/her authorized representative, if any, informed by the licensee of the

provisions of law regarding complaints including, but not limited to, the address and telephone number of the

complaint receiving unit of the licensing agency and of information regarding confidentiality.

(5) To be free to attend religious services or activities of his/her choice and to have visits from the spiritual advisor

of his/her choice. Attendance at religious services, either in or outside the facility, shall be on a completely

voluntary basis. In Child Care Centers, decisions concerning attendance at religious services or visits from

spiritual advisors shall be made by the parent(s), or guardian(s) of the child.

(6) Not to be locked in any room, building, or facility premises by day or night.

(7) Not to be placed in any restraining device, except a supportive restraint approved in advance by the licensing agency.


Right of the Licensing Agency: Section 101200 (b) & (c)

The department of licensing agency shall have the authority to interview children, or staff and to inspect and audit child or facility records without prior consent.  The licensee shall make provisions for private interview with any children or staff members.  The department has the authority to inspect, audit and copy child or child care center records upon demand during normal business hours.  Records may be removed for coping if necessary.


Regulatory Agencies

Child Care Licensing Agency

California Department of Social Services

Community Care Licensing Division


Child Care Licensing Program